From October until today..... Wow it's been nearly 4 month i didn't update my blog.... Nothing special. Just busy with my kids. Three of them already starting their new life as student. Still struggling with my new office. (new ?.....) Got promotion (Lalalala...). Apa lagi........
Today i would like to share my bad experience with one of the famous bookstore in Klang Valley... K***K***** ... Few weeks ago, I'm searching a book with title "The best of Margaret Sherry" . I think majority of cross stitcher lover loves this book (or maybe we can called it magazine). I asked one of the sell girl there, then she try to help me by searching it from their database. Then she told me that they don't have this book. She recommended to me to refer at magazine department.
At magazine department, I'm trying to get help from one of the staff. At first, he just ignore me with the busy face. When i called me for the third time and explain what actually i'm looking for, he starred at me and saying this "We don't have that magazine. You should search at the magazine rack before asking me. Do you have the ISBN number?"
Hello...... I just know the title. I don't care about the ISBN number? How can I know the number if I don't have that book/magazine. Then if I have that book/magazine , why I'm standing there ??... Then when i told him "I don't know" ... He just said "So, I cannot help you. You have to search it by yourself". Then he sit and saying something in chinese.... I'm so frustrated... Apa, dia ingat kita takde duit ker....
Today.... Senyum sampai ke telinga..... I had bought this mag from my pen-pal from UK. Puas hati. Itu pun , just 1 copy that available in that local book store at her place. Thanks Diane.
I'm a mother of 4 active boys and a wife to a lovely supportive husband who loves hands craft, stitching and sewing. I love to share with others about my hobbies.
Virgin Coconut Oil #Sanya
Beli roll-on #VirginCoconutOil ni di Sanya tempohari.. bagi kat #bff..
mereka semua cakap bagusnya coconut oil ni.. pakai di muka, muka jafi
Telekung Little Maryam
Repost from FB
Yer... acik ni still aktif mengambil tempahan telekung kanak2...
Boleh hubungi nombor tertera yerr
Moga terus men...
Baju Sukan Grosir Dikirim Ke Padang Batung
[image: Baju Sukan Grosir Dikirim Ke Padang Batung]
Baju Sukan Grosir Dikirim Ke Padang Batung - Pakaian senam Grosir –
Beberapa model pakaian sukan memang...
Маяк и шерстяной пейзаж
Москвичей поздравляю (или "поздравляю") с наступлением очередной зимней
весны! В столице "опяяяяять метель..." Заметает мой город снова. Весна, ты
Larian Hari Keputeraan Sultan Nazrin Shah 2017
Pada hari Ahad lepas, bersamaan 12 November 2017, telah berlangsungnya
Larian Hari Keputeraan Sultan Nazrin Shah. Buat pertama kalinya saya masuk
larian ni...
Shaklee di hati
Beberapa bulan ni, ramai anak cucu Dgems Empire yang buat comeback untuk
berbisnes Shaklee semula.
Banyak sangat company dan produk baru sek...
Felt keychain with name
assalamualaikum semua~!!!
amboi...last post pada dec 2015 ni dah msk 2017 bru ingat kat blog. huhuhu..
ada lagi ke yg sudi jenguk blog sy ni?
ok, skg ni li...
A Finish!
My version of Kim's beautiful pattern is finally finished! I have always
thought of the the little song "All God's Creatures Have A Voice In The
Choir" w...
JLC079 Matryoshka Doll (Japanese Linen Cotton)
*JLC079 Matryoshka Doll (Japanese Linen Cotton)*
Russian Dolls with Laces
available in RED, PURPLE and BROWN color
RM13 for 1/2 yard (45cm x 110cm)
My teaching anecdotes
I enjoy teaching
I thought my passion was teaching English *(background: I am a trained
language teacher)*
But over the years, I realized it doesn't mat...
Freebie: 2016 Cuti-cuti Malaysia Sticker Set
Before having a planner, my blog posts have always been erratic and
sporadic. That’s because I’ve never put much thought into my blog posts. As
I browse...
Marhaban Rabiul Awal
Alhamdulillah wa syukrulillah kita sudah memasuki bulan Rabiul awal tanpa
kita mengenepikan bulan-bulan lain didalam berselawat, melaku...
2016 Lexus RX 450h Review
Release of the 2016 Lexus RX 450h will no doubt stir the luxury
average-sized SUV market. This is because this particular vehicle is doped
to the market l...
Love Those Personalised Tags
Hi, I'm back!!! Now with personalised tags/keychains. You can customise to
your own simple wording (spaces and characters are limited though)
Below are few...
Salam Sejahtera..
Yihaa..saya ada hobi baru. Sebelum ni selalu berangan andainya saya boleh
membuat roti sendiri di rumah..Impian menjadi keny...
Boxer Bag
Assalammualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. Sekian lama menyepi diri dari
kemaskini blog kesayangan saya. Masih ada kea lagi rakan-rakan kraf
mengenali saya.....
Sewing Basket
I have one of these sewing basket. I don't know about you but each time I
look at it or carry it, rasa sangat bersemangat nak menjahit.
You should have one...
Wallet & mobile phone pouch - 2 in 1
My usual homework with Alice Peng Sew along.
This side is the mobile phone pouch. First time doing Celtic applique.. :
) nice, right?
Another grea...
Eye Catching Pattern Printed On Stationaries
Hi peeps..just to share this eye catching pattern printed on stationaries.
Proudly design by our favourite designer, Amy Butler :).We love it!
With the dis...
Mengapa Harus Pilih Produk Tupperware ?
Kenapa kita patut memilih produk dari jenama Tupperware Sebabnya....
- Produk yang sihat dan selamat kerana tidak mengandungi bahan kimia
beracun d...
Safari Moon Blog Hop and A much loved quilt finish
Welcome to my little stop here on Frances Newcombe's Safari Moon blog hop.
I was beyond flattered when Frances asked me to participate in the launch
of h...
Kempen KuSarungkan Kasih by GMJC
Salam 1 Malaysia...
Sempena September 2013 ini, Persatuan Geng Mesin Jahit Selangor (GMJC) akan
menganjurkan Kempen KuSarungkan Kasih. Kempen ini bertuju...
Hello crafters,
I am doing stock clearance sale for clear stamps. Items sold will not be
First-come, first-served. Shipping cost will be calcula...
To all Love and Craft friends:
We have upgraded our online shop to shopping cart to ease your purchase
Kindly visit our new website: www.lovean...
Bear cross stitch kits
Hello girls..I just update my facebook shop. Some of kits with bear
picture. I also have others picture. Anyone who interested, please 'like'
my fb sh...
It's becoming a trend nowadays! super duper cute to go out with! let's see
the choices we have ;)
fancy blue butterfly~
blue ocean
sweet pink & cutey orang...
First Granny Bag.
Assalamualaikum n Salam Sejahtera semua....wahhh...try tuk aktif berblog
tapi masa terlalu cemburu...anak2 pun semakin lasak....huhu...pantang
tengok Ummi ...
WOYWW 193.....Bed Rest No Crafting
Good morning welcome to Wednesday WOYWW with the lovely Julia over at the
stamping ground.Where you visit many creative desks all around the world...
paper flower boquet~
pheww..lagi 4 hari tuan punya hb nak kawen baru siap.
nasib baik sempat pos.
Alhamdulillah semoga selamat semuanya.
tuan punya hb ni memang saya dah makl...
*GRABaPHIX ARTWORK* (CA0195677-H) adalah sebuah syarikat yang ditubuhkan
pada 20 Disember 2009 dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan *DESIGN & PRINTING*
seperti ...
~ CLOSING DOWN clearance stocks ~
Dear all valued customer,
Since I'm no longer an active blogger due to busy work schedule, would like
to announce that there will be a CLOSING down SALE! P...
Reborn of this blogspot
This blog has been abandon since KS moved to a domain base website with
shopping cart. But somehow KS felt that it is such a pity to abandon this
place sin...
* How to Order? *
1. *Choose and confirmed the product and quantity you wish to purchase*
2. *Email us the confirmation of your interest*
3. *We...
Gift for Rachel on her First Holy Communion ceremony
20 Nov 2011 was my niece, Rachel received her first communion. First
Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in
a Roman Cat...
Pre order (close 20 September 2011)
Dear All,
Please read our T.O.R before place any order. We present to you fabulous
new fabric
*1 yard = RM 40*
*1/2 yard = RM21*
*(min order = 1/2 yard...
First try buat beg gunakan red polkadots and red plain colour as
combination...simple pocket.
Yg ni available klau ada yg sudi.
Lemon Cheese Ice Cream Cake
Assalamualaikum wbt...
Sejak balik kelas demo Chef Nirmala...
nih baru kite try wat kek aiskrim...
So far alhamdulillah jadik elok...
keknye dah selamat k...
December Updates!
nampaknya dura sekarang ni update blog sebulan sekali saja.
sangat sibuk
sungguh tak tipu
tapi orang lain pun sibuk juga. mungkin saya...
You Have Stolen My Heart
As-salam & Hye...
Aktiviti sementara menunggu waktu berbuka puasa petang semalam... tu pun
mcm lemau2 je nak buat..
Designer : Lizzie Kate
Lucy Bag Times Two
As my sister’s birthday is just around the corner I need to craft a quick
gift for her so I have cast on a 2nd Lucy bag. I know I should really
finish som...
Apa yg dah dicapai...
Assalamualaikum n hi kepada semua pembaca
Pejam celik, pejam celik...dah hampir berakhir 'cuti' semester saya...
waaaaa...dah kena ngadap buku dan assignme...
Holiday over but...
Yup... School Holidays are over but still cant find some "ME" time to work
on my WIP. My poor Grandma is hospitalized. She is 90 this year. Seeing her